A Smart Response to Capitol Hill Flier Panic

Remember this breathless flier about the proposed extension of the Living Building Program?

Right here, on this blog, in the comments section somebody took the time to brilliantly rebut the flier. Not only is the rebuttal brief, but it even affirms the importance of increasing housing supply. I’ll probably refer to this rebuttal over and over again as an example of what the City Council should listen to over the sometimes better organized growth opponents.

Dear Neighbors, Please Consider…

  • This rezoning will allow developers to meet the high demand for housing and commercial space in our neighborhood AND require that they meet rigorous environmental standards.
  • Meeting the demand for housing and commercial space will allow more people the opportunity to live and work in our beautiful neighborhood- people who otherwise might not be able to afford it.
  • By preventing sprawl, increasing urban density helps protect our beautiful natural surroundings.
  • Preventing developers from embarking on new projects is a recipe for economic stagnation. The important thing is to make sure any new development is ENVIRONMENTALLY and SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE.
  • We are all incredibly privileged to live here. Please take a moment to ask yourself- do you really want to protect height limits at the expense of development that would help our city meet its housing needs in an environmentally responsible way?


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